Passionate about climate justice?

The Climate Working group unites Greens from all over the world in standing up for climate justice, and the best possible outcomes at UNFCCC COP as well as other key international climate events.

Sign up today to get in the know and get involved in creating a fairer, healthier and safer planet for all people.



Co-Convenor of COP26 Working Group

Julia Krebs

External Communications

Henry Tran

Committee Member

Anne Marie Bihirabake-GlobalGreens

Co-Convenor of COP26 Working Group

George Mahinda Kinyanjui

External Communications


Committee Member


GGC Representative for COP26 Working Group

Kjersti Aspheim

Coordination Team Member


For many Greens around the world, the 26th United Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is scheduled to take place from 1st-12th November in Glasgow, UK, is our ‘last chance’ COP. The year 2020 was a year of unprecedented climate events, and COVID-19 has catalysed growing inequalities in our societies – we see this as a crucial moment to mobilise Greens to rally around COP26 for #ClimateJustice.

The Global Greens COP26 Working Group was established in November 2020 to coordinate Global Green activities in the lead up to COP26. The Working Group brings together Greens from across all 4 regional Federations (Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific & Europe) and meets monthly to discuss and coordinate Global Green priorities for COP26. There is also a Coordination Team working on event planning and external communications to assist with driving activities forward. Please consult our activities calendar for news on upcoming events.

The strategy of the group focuses on showcasing bold and ambitious green policies to tackle climate change, and to meet the requirements set out in the Paris Agreement. The group also focuses on highlighting positive narratives of green parliamentarians around the world and establishing Global Green parties as political leaders to advance legislative agendas to address climate change.

Local Party Twinning

Welcome to the Local Party Twinning programme

What is Twinning?

Twinning is when a Green parties at a local level (municipality, town or district) link with a Green party of an equivalent level in another country for the purposes of friendship, learning and support.


Whenever and wherever in the world one joins a Green Party, one becomes part of a global network of fellow green members & supporters – and twinning is one way to reflect this in our local party activities and promotions.

Twinning enables the local level of Green parties to have a direct experience of the global dimension of Green politics. We do this through friendships and direct mutual support.


The decision to twin with another local Green party is entirely up to the parties themselves, and Global Greens facilitates the process.


  • Each party has its own Twinning Co-ordinator(s) to develop the twinning locally.
  • Organise several meet-ups per year, these can be online or in-person interactions determined by the twinning partners.
  • Local parties can twin with as many different local parties as they wish.
  • The Twinning Co-ordinators will be welcome to join a dedicated Facebook group to encourage feedback and sharing about the twinning programme.



The application process is designed to make it easy and support local parties apply for a twinning partner. It isn’t an assessment on whether or not you will be accepted – every local party is welcome to become a twin.

Contact Information
Include country and town name
Please give other party communications links such as for Twitter, facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc
Make a donation
What would your party like to do and get out of a Twinning partnership?
List the characteristics of the Green party with whom you want to have a Twinning Partnership.
About your Local Party
(population, socio-economic, political, environmental situation)
What are your Green party's political priorities and campaigns?
Please tell us the names and positions of Greens who have elected positions in your locality.
(number of members and supporters, interest groups, regular meetings)
(e.g. via agenda item for local meeting or AGM, email briefings)
(E.g civic/local authority twinning)
We recommend regular communications with your Twinning Party involving a minimum of 2-3 of your local party members, including some remote face-face meetings. What communication methods will you be using with your Twinned party? (e.g. Skype, facebook group, etc)


Contact the Global Greens Secretariat at

Any member is welcome in any capacity! If you would like to subscribe to the mailing list for updates (including meeting dates and updates), see above! 

More news and information below.

News & statements

news, Blogs & Reports from cop26 working group

COP26 Events


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