Congress 2023

Global Greens Congress Korea 2023

8 - 11 June

Uniting and empowering the world’s Green movement

Working together for a fairer, sustainable and healthy planet for all

The World's Green movement reunites!!

What an amazing experience Global Greens Congress Korea 2023 was!

Over 700 hundred of you joined us in Korea and online to share, listen, learn and commit to climate and social justice action. Greens came from over 80 different countries, and you showed the world what it means to be Green and stand up for climate action, social justice and a better world.

We in the Secretariat were blown away by the energy, passion and positivity you all brought.

The challenges we face in the world are big, but our hearts, policy and action are bigger.

Global Greens unite the four Green Federations, Global Young Greens, Indigenous communities, politicians, members, activists, academics, institutes, the U.N. and NGOs from around the green world.

DECLARATIONS and endorsements

Congress in Songdo, Korea was a crucial moment for the international Green movement. There have been many changes in the world, but also many of the same challenges have grown stronger. 

The four federations took the time to reflect on the state of the world, and join together to create a commitment for urgent action on climate, biodiversity, social justice, peace and security, and democracy in the Korea Declaration.

This is a declaration of Global Greens unity in diversity, our belief that the era of polycrises also means that we can create holistic, interrelated solutions that benefit all people, and that these solutions are both possible and vital and must be acted on now.

Amongst many other agreements and endorsement, the world’s Green Parties formally endorsed the Stop Ecocide International campaign to give nature legal rights and defend against pollution and environmental destruction.

Read and share the statement.

Contact your Party and MP’s about endorsing ecocide law.

Michael Poland from Fossil Free Future Non-Proliferation Treaty and Parliamentarians for a Fossil Fuel Free Future is joined by Green Parliamentarians Dr Frank Habineza, Janet Rice, Cate Faehrmann, and Jenny Leong amongst others to announce Global Greens endorsement of these initiatives.

Together we working hard to keep fossil fuels in the ground, and make the swift shift to renewables in the climate and social justice fight.

Read the statement below and ask your MP to sign the treaty today.

Together, we are building a vision, creating campaigns and policies that will help protect people and planet. All our actions now and in the coming years must create a wave of transformational change and pave the way for a sustainable 21st Century.

Inaction is not an option. Power and positivity is how we make a difference. Congress is where we connect local Greens to Global Greens.

See below for the resolutions and emergency resolutions passed at Congress…


A Greens Policy focused on Climate Migration and Displacement
Protection of Animal Rights
Restructuring foreign debt
Protection of the South Atlantic Ecosystems
Nuclear Waste Threat in the Pacific
Resolution Against Child Marriage
Real Youth Participation Ensures A Sustainable Future!
Improving Dialogue and Cooperation in the Mediterranean
Ecocide: Extractivist Projects in the Americas
Global Greens First Nations Indigenous Tribal Peoples Network (‘GGFNN’)
Solidarity for the End of Violence Against Women and the Liberation of Women in Asia
Biodiversity Merged Resolution: We are Nature and Nature is us (and Green)

Emergency resolutions

International Declaration of a Climate Emergency
LGBTQIA+ rights 
When Gender Inequality Evolves, We Should, Too. On Gender-based Discrimination and Misconduct
Effective Regulation of AI Technology [for Democracy, Sustainability and Social Good]
Action on Water Emergency
Ecocide in the Kakhovka region - Global Greens stand in undivided solidarity with the people in Ukraine against the Russian war of aggression


climate and democracy

Global Greens Congress is the only event that unites the international Green movement. There are huge threats to climate and democracy, which is why these two topics are central to our programme. 

We will be steadily uploading all the sessions to our Youtube Channel. Subscribe here to get notified when they are available.

Be inspired by keynote speakers, participate in panel discussions, build global support for your campaign, develop strong policy, network with Green parliamentarians and activists, learn practical skills and form relationships that will last a lifetime.

For questions about Congress email:


generous donors to congress...

 .... as well as hundreds of generous Global Greens members from around the world through our fundraiser!! 

And Global greens partnered with:


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