Green Foundations & Institutes

A list of Green political institutes and foundations around the world. Please let us know if we’re missing any! 



La Fundación  Ambiental Internacional Vida Verde (FUNVIVE) promotes sustainable development through education and facilitating the use of alternative technologies in developing countries, primarily in Latin America, the Caribbean and Venezuela.  Funvive’s projects are developed in collaboration with all variety of organizations involved in the process of developing engaged citizenship at the local, regional, national and international levels. In this way, FUNVIVE aims to contribute to the conservation of the environment and human development.


Instituto de Ecologia Politica

Institución encargada de fortalecer la capacidad analítica y ejecutiva de los actores sociales en los proyectos y los foros sobre economía, medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible.  Trabajamos en coordinación de organizaciones ambientalistas internacionales buscando generar las capacidades analíticas, estratégicas y de acción.  Creemos que medio ambiente y empresa pueden ir de la mano a través del respeto a un desarrollo sostenible. En el ámbito de difusión y capacitación, incorporamos herramientas como la educación a distancia en internet, talleres de ciber-activistas, talleres, seminarios y encuentros con actores sociales, universitarios, autoridades dentro y fuera de Perú.


Herbert Daniel Foundation

The Herbert Daniel Foundation (FVHD) is a center for research, development and diffusion of culture, politics, ecology and environment.  The Foundation collaborates with cultural and environmental institutions dedicated to Brazil’s political, environmental and cultural progress.  FVHD creates educational centers serving the political, environmental and cultural formation of children, adolescents and adults.


Taiwan Friends of the Global Greens (TFGG)

Taiwan Friends of the Global Greens was established in 2008 and is an associate member of the Asia Pacific Greens Federation. Our members are primarily representatives from a broad range of social and environmental justice groups, academia, and indigenous rights advocates. Our mandate is to promote the Global Greens Charter in Taiwan through international engagement.

TFGG Website

TFGG Facebook

TFGG Green Talks


Green Institute

Green institute is a think tank providing policy recommendations for green and sustainable development. The Institute’s activities include policy discourse and analysis, policy consulting, advisory services and research on issues related to sustainable development. Green Institute explores scientific and practical solutions to developmental challenges by stimulating public opinion through open public debate/discourse and information dissemination. The Green Institute is also a center for education, knowledge development, capacity development, idea generation and implementation.


Green Forum India

Green Forum India is an initiative to convene environmental activists across India together to discuss and organize on Green politics in India.


Green Institute

The Green Institute’s mission is to support green politics through education, action, research and debate.  Green politics means broad community-wide change grounded in the principles of ecology, social justice, democracy, non-violence, sustainability and respect for diversity (see the Global Greens Charter). We work with a wide range of people and organizations across Australia and globally.


Australian Greens, International Development Committee

The Australian Greens, International Development Committee, facilitates project support across Asia Pacific Green Federation members for new and emerging Green parties. We offer support and expertise for parties in Asia, the Pacific, and the Middle East in setting up their party administration, policies, and in developing their party structures.  This is so as to enable them to participate in local political systems and to meaningfully engage in political processes. We provide financial support and expert advice to the Asia Pacific Greens Federation including training initiatives to member parties such as study tours and internships. 

United Kingdom

Green Economics Institute

GEI advocates for ecological and social business and economy. Introducing ecological and social dimensions into the academic debate and opening it to a broad public, the Institute constantly challenges dominant economic sciences. It is holding workshops, academic courses and conferences with international participants publish studies and a journal on sustainable economics.


Green Thought Association

The Green Thought Association (Yesil Düsünce Dernegi) was created as an independent association in February 2009. YDD’s major objective is promoting green ideas in Turkey. Its main fields of works are green thinking, green economy, sustainability, anti-nuclear and renewable energy policies, and other ecological and eco-political issues. In achieving its aims YDD works together with environmental movements, ecologists, and green political movements, holding seminars, workshops, conferences, and training courses, and publishing reports and briefing papers.


Green Forum Foundation

The Green Forum Foundation is concentrated on development work in Eastern Europe, South America and Africa. It aims at supporting economic and democratic development in those countries, without exporting a Eurocentric model of society. It is affiliated with the Swedish Green party Miljöpartiet de Gröna, and based on the same values, such as grassroots democracy, self-reliance and decentralization.



Cogito defines itself as a Green Think Tank that wants to contribute to the public debate with the aim to promote sustainability and solidarity. Working within an international network, it follows a global approach but regards local communities as a place of social innovation at the same time. Cogito organizes seminars and lectures as well as a digital platform for scientific and journalistic articles.


Nous Horitzons Fundació

Founded in 1960, Nous Horizons has continuously published journals, organized panel debates and promoted research. The foundation’s objective is to enrich public debate, sciences and agenda-setting with a progressive ecological and feministic perspective.  It also advocates for broader participation in policymaking and aims at facilitating female political carriers and the dialogue between social movement and politics.


Fundación EQUO

The main objective of EQUO is to promote sustainable development, environmental, social and economic sustainability; the conservation of biodiversity, the efficient use of resources, clean production and responsible consumption; the mitigation of climate change, among others. EQUO has had a clear political mandate from the outset and its creation set the ground for gathering Green forces into a new Green party in Spain which saw its founding congress from 8 to 10 October 2011.


Bureau de Helling

The Dutch Foundation provides the party GroenLinks with academic information and aims to stimulate public debate on Green and left ideas. It supports numerous publications concerning all relevant policy fields. Four times a year the foundation’s journal – De Helling – is released.


Green Foundation Ireland

The Green Foundation Ireland was formally established in 2011 as a forum for research and influencing public opinion. It seeks to identify additional means of engaging the public in environmental discourse.


Alexander Langer Foundation

ALF’s work is dedicated to promoting peace and cultural exchange. With the support of the European Parliament it offers training for peace workers in war-torn regions to support civil peacekeeping. The foundation also dedicates an award for outstanding cultural or civil commitment and hosts the summer festival Euromediterranea which aims to build a bridge between Europe and its Mediterranean neighbors.


Ecopolis Foundation

EcoPolis was founded in July 2010. The Foundation’s main goal is to contribute to the development of political culture. In this the foundation is guided by Hungarian Green Party manifesto which advanced three core values: sustainability, citizens’ participation and social justice, which the foundation aims to promote in order for those values to be taken into consideration in both the debates and decisions of the political community. However, it remains independent of the party in its decision-making and functioning.


Greek Green Institute

The Greek Green Institute was registered in March 2011. The main objective is the study, analysis and dissemination of all aspects of ecological thinking and Political Ecology. The Greek Green Institute is closely linked to the Greek Green Party and the party holds the majority of votes in the Institute.


Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Heinrich Böll Stiftung enhances public debate on democracy, ecology and gender equality by publishing studies and articles as well as hosting numerous debates, conferences and workshops. To enable citizens to be active in civil society, it offers political training as well as scholarships for highly committed students. In addition to its national work, Heinrich Böll Stiftung maintains numerous worldwide offices that promote its values in cooperation with local actors.


Fondation de l'Ecologie Politique

As a place for reflection, open towards society and the world, included in a European and international network, the Fondation de l’Ecologie Politique wants to be a tool to diffuse and influence at the service of the ideals defended by the political ecology movement in France and elsewhere.



The Green Cultural Association was founded in 1990. It has been running Visio, an adult education institution, since 1995. Visio has 29 member organizations, representing civil society from around Finland. Visio aims to improve and realize sustainable development, green values and democracy through non-formal adult education and cultural projects.



Oikos wants to be a leading forum for the social-ecological counter current in Flanders. Oikos is built on the belief that the current economic model is ecologically not durable and that the emancipation of many human beings is far from being achieved in Europe and beyond. Starting from these premises, Oikos is striving for a change of the present social and economic models that our societies are built on.



Etopia was founded by the Green Party Ecolo in 2004. The foundation is looking for answers to global society’s most alarming problems, such as resource crisis and growing poverty. It is providing an intellectual background for ecological policymaking and promotes political education by offering workshops and organizing panel debates.


Gruene Bildungswerkstatt

GBW’s main task is to provide political education and enable a broad public to be active in civil society and politics by offering a wide range of learning offers. Besides, GBW is also acting as a mediator between the Austrian Greens, civil society and science, publishing studies and organizing cultural events and public debates. The foundation’s work is also based on local foundations in the federal departments who are its main stakeholders.


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