In July, we invited Members to apply to represent the Global Greens at COP 26, which will take place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in Glasgow, UK. We have now wrapped up a competitive tender process to shortlist our delegates for this year’s conference.
The application process was designed to ensure that:
- The diversity of our member organisations is equitably represented;
- A minimum of 50% of delegates identify as women or non-binary;
- There is a balance between delegates who already have international negotiation experience, as well as those with demonstrated commitment to climate campaigning within their communities.
Applications were graded by the Review Panel, which included members of the Global Greens Coordination and the COP26 Working Group. Responses were reviewed without reference to the demographic details to minimise the impact of unconscious bias on the process.
We were very impressed with the quality of applications we received, and congratulate the shortlisted applicants on being selected for this opportunity to represent the Global Greens at such an important event. We were pleased to receive applications from all four Global Greens Federations, highlighting the diversity of our talented Members.
The following inspiring Greens have been shortlisted to represent the Global Greens at COP 26 next month. You can also read their bios below.